Tooth Regeneration May Soon Be Possible
Dental cavities are one of the most common dental issues facing Americans today. Roughly 91% of Americans between the ages of 20-64 suffer from cavities, and chances are—if you regularly visit the dentist—you’ve had a filling to repair damage caused by tooth decay.
Modern dental procedures for cavities typically involve removing the damaged part of the tooth and replacing it with a dental filling .
However, science may soon discover a new answer…
Tideglusib Dental Treatment
A new drug called Tideglusib has the potential to change the face of dentistry forever. Researchers are enthusiastic about the drug’s potential to regrow bony tooth tissue (dentin) to fill a cavity.
The hope is that the dentin produced by Tideglusib fuses completely to the tooth, filling the cavity and eliminating the possibility the cavity will fall out in the future—one of the main shortcomings of currently used fillings.
What’s more, Tideglusib is both cheap and safe, which are huge benefits to dental practices and consumers alike.
Laser Dental Regenration
In addition to drug-related research, a team of dentists are testing the ability of low-power laser light to encourage tooth growth. Preliminary tests have indicated that shining laser light onto healthy dental pulp can produce dentin, providing the patient with a much stronger filling than the ones employed today.