The Magic of Salt Water Rinses
Saltwater rinses are commonly recommended for people with a sore throat, gum sores, or people who recently underwent a dental procedure. If you have never used a saltwater rinse before, read on to learn about the multiple health benefits.
Salt Reduces Dental Bacteria – Salt inhibits dental bacteria by increasing the pH balance of your mouth. It creates an alkaline environment that the bacteria can barely survive in. Bacteria prefer an acidic environment, which lets them grow and attack the enamel on teeth. By creating an environment that they don’t like, they cannot thrive.
Healing Properties of Saltwater – Salt promotes healing. It is usually recommended after a minor dental procedure to use a saltwater rinse. This is because it contains the same salts and minerals in our bodies, which means it does not irritate mucous membranes. It serves as a gentle form of mouthwash that will not burn or cause pain in your healing mouth.
Making a Saltwater Rinse – It is very quick and easy to make your own salt water rinse. All you have to do is add ½ teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water. Rinse your mouth with this solution every two to three hours for the first few days after surgery. It will help your mouth heal and it won’t cause you any pain.